Terms and conditions

  1. Shipping charges do not include customs duties and other relevant government charges and taxes.
  2. The parcel will be sent by air shipping and it will take 6-8 working days
  3. We charge the volumetric weight(Length*Width*Height/5000) or actual weight whichever is higher.
  4. All orders SGD400 will be subjected to GST.
  5. All parcels shipped to our given address are be accompanied by an official receipt or invoice.
  6. Parcels sent to our given address without inputting into our website, we will discard the parcels in 7 working days.
  7. Some items are classified as controlled goods or prohibited goods. These goods require permits and import licenses from authorizing government agencies like Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapore Food Agency (SFA), Singapore Customs, Info-Communication Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) & National Park Board (NParks). If you are unsure, kindly please contact them and get confirmation.
  8. Delivery of any Liquor, Cigarettes, Meat related products, and any items that are related to religions is not allowed. All parcels sent to our address will be opened and inspected for any illegal or counterfeit items such as drugs, guns, a battle knife, etc. We will dispose of any illegal items without prior notice. All counterfeit products are not allowed.
  9. If the item you received is damaged, the courier company will compensate up to RM200 per parcel.
  10. We are not responsible for any losses if the parcel is seized or confiscated by Singapore Customs.
  11. Shiptosg.my reserves the right to change rates without prior notice.

*For a full list of controlled & prohibited goods – https://www.customs.gov.sg/businesses/importing-goods/controlled-and-prohibited-goods-for-import